
Easy Piano For Songwriters and Producers

The Fastest Path From Beginner To Expert In Scales And Chord Progressions

You’ve always wanted to learn the piano. You know it will make you a better songwriter or a better producer. Perhaps you’ve tried to learn but were put off by cumbersome classical methods which teach you everything but what you really want – the ability to write the song you hear in your head.

This book is written with the songwriter and music producer in mind. It was written by a producer/songwriter with years of experience teaching fellow creatives. It strips away all of the unnecessary fluff and helps a complete beginner get to a competent performance level in as little time as possible.

With this book you will develop the skills you need to


  • Quickly identify any note on the piano or keyboard
  • Accompany yourself on the piano at live performances
  • Strengthen your songwriting with impactful chord arrangements
  • Determine the key of a song
  • Evolve from beat maker to music producer through knowledge of chord progressions
  • Transpose your arrangements to different keys
  • Understand music theory without getting lost in complex details


This book is perfect for


  • Songwriters
  • Singer / Songwriters
  • Hip Hop, R&B and Pop Music Producers
  • Rock Band Musicians
  • Electronic Music Producers
  • Score Composers

Don't Wait

Start reading Easy Piano today. And tomorrow, be the artist, songwriter or producer that you always knew you could be.

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